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Saturday, November 16, 2013



teehe :D

cuti dah nak habis. :(  sekejapnya lahai hai haiiii.
tak puas lagi rasanya.

tak nak balik! T_T



aku dah dua tahun stop tengok cite korea. hahaha. aku sendiri pon tak percaya. last aku tengok pasta ngan secret garden tu je la. lepas tu aku dah tak amek tahu dah. runningman pon tak layan. aku takut kalau aku start, aku tak boleh control. aku jenis fanatik tahap cipan. so tak boleh. kira lebih baik tak usah mulakan. ahaha. kang study kelaut. bajet aku kena berkorban la ney. hapupuihh. :D

tp cuti sem kali ney memang nafsu nak mengadap cite korea tu tewas kaw-kaw. T_T first aku layan pasta balik. pastuh sungkyunkwan scandal. i just love historical fiction! hewhew.

lepas tuh terjebak ngan secret love, rooftop prince ++ 


tewas akhirnya juaa.

aku nak story pasal secret love. ;)

secret love ney sedih. T_T memula aku bengang ngan minhyuk. sbb aku rasa dia macam kejam sangat. lepas tuh tetiba je dia baik. macam suka pulak kat dia. hahaha. 

lepas tuh aku rasa macam nak bunuh je peguam ahn dohoon tuuu. eeiiii. geramnya la aku tengok perangai dia. kesian dengan kang yoo jung kot. dia banyak gila berkorban demi ahn dohoon tu. =.='' sedih ah. dia hilang ayah. dia hilang anak.  eee. tak guna betul ADH tuu. *emo melampau-lampau*
tak pasal-pasal masuk penjara sebab mengaku kes langgar lari yang menyebabkan jihee ngan anak dlm kandungan dia mati. 

ep 14 bahagia sikit. tp kacau ngan dohoon n seyeon tu la. t.t

secret love ney bagi aku best gila! highly recommended!

memula aku rasa macam tak best je cerita ney. ney usu la ney. dia kata sungkyunkwan tak best. T_T aku rasa best jeeeeeeee. xD dia suruh layan secret love. sedih ti (izzati) cerita tuu! besttttt ++
so aku pon tengok je la.

ternyata memang best!

nasib happy ending. padahal dah last ep pon sedih lagi. haih. 

korang memang patut tengok k!


mihyuk pernah pesan kat kang yoo jung "jangan mati sebelum dia"

aww. drama ney terlampau menyentuh jiwa raga perasaan tu semua.

ost dia pon best best tauuu.

 iols suka tengok kwangsoo. ahaha. :p dia macam cute je. 

eee. korang kena tengok gak secret love ney.

selamat menonton! kbyeee. (dah lama tak update blog. cenggini la jadinya.) :(

ost secret love

Synopsis (Secret love)

Everyone has their own secrets. Secrets can help people succeed and even fall in love; but secrets can also destroy people. Secrets can sometimes make us happy, worried, or even blind us to reality. This drama is about secrets. It is an exploration into the trials and tribulations of people who live with secrets. These secrets drive the four characters desire to find love and exact revenge.

This melodrama is about a “fatal romance” between a man who loses his girlfriend in an accident, and falls in love with the woman responsible for her death.

Jo Min Hyuk (Ji Sung) was born into a wealthy family. He has everything including good looks, intelligence, but he doesn’t have kindness. He loses his girlfriend in a hit-and-run accident.

Kang Yoo Jung (Hwang Jung Eum) goes to prison, because of the hit-and-run accident that killed Min Hyuk’s girlfriend. Her boyfriend, Ahn Do Hoon (Bae Soo Bin) is the one that actually committed the hit-and-run accident, but Yoo Jung took the blame. She is then betrayed by her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Shin Se Yeon (Lee Da Hee) is the one with an unrequited love. She’s described as “thirsty for love,” and she’ll be a character in pain because she can’t have the one person she wants.

1 comment:

arie eiman said... la..baru aku memahami sedikit cite scret love ni..ingatkan membosan kan ..ade cite baru.."the great doctor" n "the inheritor" best gila..aku tengah addicted dgn 2 cite ni.sbb Lee minho blakon..sila la kect up cite ni..